district 9 wikus character analysis

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We, as viewers, immediately side with the humans and despise the “Others” which was precisely the intention of Peter Jackson when producing the ?rst half of the ?lm. [13] Blomkamp gab an, hinsichtlich der gesellschaftlichen Situation der Außerirdischen im Film sei er unter anderem durch die ausländerfeindlichen Unruhen in Südafrika im Jahr 2008 inspiriert worden. The substance gets to work on Wikus’ DNA, gradually transforming him a mutant human-prawn hybrid – in other words, Wikus becomes the very thing he loathes. Genre: Action, Sci-Fi, Thriller. Aren’t you? He was one of the head operatives for the relocation of alien prawn-like residents of District 9 to their new home in District 10. Wikus takes us into District 9 in which we observe the ?lthy, unbearable living conditions of the slum and the disgusting, vile behaviour of the Prawns. In the beginning of the movie, Wikus was rude, obnoxious, and inconsiderate of others. Wikus van de Merwe is the protagonist of District 9. (2017, Mar 02). The end of the ?lm leaves us with questions unanswered. In District 9, Wikus loathes what he becomes pretty much the whole time, and actively kicks against every opportunity to redeem himself, right up until the very last minute. Literal Transformative Experience: Wikus begins the film as a cheery, non-violent happy-go-lucky bureaucrat, unconcerned with the plight of the Prawns and actively participating in MNU's exploitation of the alien refugees. There are several symbols or motifs which I … View All Videos (2) District 9 Quotes. Sully’s bewitched by the Na’vi’s simple, harmonious way of life, and falls in love with the chief’s daughter. Wikus immediately begins to feel ill and only gets worse as his ?ngernails begin to fall off. Eventually, Wikus does do the right thing – he defends Christopher and his son from military forces and almost dies in the process. It is during his transformation that Wikis is forced to care for and sympathize with the aliens, as he is becoming one. District 9 Shauna Waye Throughout the movie, District 9, Christopher displayed many good attributes that helped Wikus grow as a person. After an accident during a … District 9 basiert auf dem Kurzfilm Alive in Joburg aus dem Jahr 2005 von Spy Films, bei dem Neill Blomkamp, Sharlto Copley, Simon Hansen und Shanon Worley die Regie führten. Would you, ultimately, mostly put yourself first in most situations in your life? Sorry, but copying text is forbidden on this website. It’s often said that science fiction offers up a mirror to our own society  – reflecting our latent fears back at us, and allowing us to confront the darker aspects of our nature. The alien refugees are an example of a settler colony. Neil Blomkamp has used District 9 as a metaphor for how society often is today, with people discriminating against others due to their skin color being different. Meanwhile, the press has released a story claiming that Wikus is infected with an alien STD ultimately turning him into a fugitive. After spending time with Christopher and seeing how he acted, Wikus was able to change for the better. After all, they love to eat cat food. During a scene of the ?lm where Wikus and Christopher the alien enter the hub of the MNU building where other aliens are being experimented on and tortured, we are able to understand the anger and utter helplessness that which Christopher feels. District 9 is awash in this intuitive impulse within humankind, as are many modern superhero films. District 9 Videos. The Nigerians have a “witch doctor” who advises them to eat the aliens, which they do. I suppose there’s no reason the first alien race to reach the Earth shouldn’t look like what the cat threw up. We continue to loath them as a result of the ?lms … Shudder Boasts its Biggest Horror Movie and TV Line-Up Ever in April, District 9: Why Wikus is More Like us Than We Want to Admit. When a company field agent Wikus contracts a mysterious virus that begins to alter his The filth, mistreatment, savagery, oppression and racism that occurs. His role is to systematically relocate an entire ‘district’ of an alien species that, after mysteriously stranding itself on Earth, had been forced by the South African government into a ghetto. Wolfe’s statement suggests that there is a process to replacement. We are also introduced to three aliens; Christopher Johnson (Jason Cope), his friend and his son, who are secretly collecting a mysterious ?uid and storing it in a small container. The ?lm opens with a shot of a large alien mothership hovering directly over Johannesburg, South Africa where we learn is the current home of a government camp called District 9 in which the aliens, derogatorily referred to as “Prawns”, are forced to take refuge in. It's pretty clear Wikus becomes a full-on alien by the end of District 9, so it's fair to wonder if there's any scrap of humanity left. The aliens are ostracized and barred from most businesses and those humans who live in near proximity to the aliens want more distance. As played by Sam Worthington, Avatar‘s main character provides a bit of comfort for the rest of us – sure, some of us are cruel, violent and materialistic, but there are plenty of nice humans out there like Jake Sully. Wikus is seen as an amateur, clumsy, simple and rather an anti-hero in the beginning. Christopher wants to use a small spacecraft to reach the alien mothership (which still hovers over the city) and use it to make contact with his home planet; Wikus helps out, purely because he thinks he can get hold of the cure that will take him back to his human, privileged life. The following contains spoilers for District 9. You can get your custom paper from The 2009 film, District 9, directed by Neill Blomkamp is a direct comparison criticizing the actions of the South African apartheid, about a community of aliens from another planet whose mother-ship has broken down over the city of Johannesburg in South Africa and is forced into living on another life forms territory until they can fix their ship. In a more general, universal sense, though, District 9 provides a broad depiction of the psychological break that leads to such unbelievable cruelty. We are never given the opportunity to feel sympathy for them. Wikus returns to Christopher's run-down shack where he finds the alien's small son. As Sharlto Copley himself once told Den of Geek UK  Wikus represents a side of human nature that often remains hidden in plain sight: “Most people are trying to hide this part of themselves that they’re ashamed of. It is hinted that Christopher might be a surviving member of the prawn leadership caste, as he shows much more knowledge of how alien technology works, possesses or at least found the command module, and interacts with MNU officials more articulately … In the case ofDistrict 9, humans are interested in the weapons, while the aliens are engrossed with the cat food. It all stands in stark contrast to Avatar’s Jake Sully, whose similar leap into an alien body has a more intoxicating effect. We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. District 9 is a section of South Africa that has been quarantined as a refugee camp for the aliens who’ve been stranded for the last 20 years. • Sci-Fi Action Flick • Wikus gets infected byan alien battery that turns him into a prawn • He is taken into hospital and then removed for testing while he turns into an alien • Once in MNU headquarters he is forced to use alien weapons, leading him to break out and escape using his new found weaponry • He goes on the run and is the subject of terrible media propaganda – finding safety in the … He's one of sci-fi's darkest anti-heroes. Wikus Van de Merwe. Its protagonist, one Wikus van der Merwe, starts the movie as a selfish, less-than-heroic character and, even by though he’s changed by its end, he still isn’t what you’d call selfless. Paradigmatic Analysis: District 9 takes the typical “white man gone native” trope, and runs in a different direction with it. They live in a slum that is decaying, crumbling and full of garbage, not by choice, but forced by humans. He's basically an Obstructive Bureaucrat who is obsessed with rules. In a sudden turn, Christopher and Wikus are discovered and enter a ?re?ght against the humans. Wikus van der Merwe: Fuck off! District 9: Scene Analysis The 2009 film, District 9, directed by Neill Blomkamp is a direct comparison criticizing the actions of the South African apartheid, about a community of aliens from another planet whose mother-ship has broken down over the city of Johannesburg in South Africa and is forced into living on another life forms territory until they can fix their ship. Christopher and his people first arrived on Earth on board their ship hovering over the city of Johannesburg, South Africa, around March 1982. Christopher’s son may be ugly but there is a soft endearing side of him that we fall in love with. We share Christopher’s sadness and it is at this moment in the ?lm that we abandon our own kind and side with the aliens. District 9 is a symbol of what real people go through on a day to day basis in order to survive. District 9 has done its job in placing the viewers in the shoes of the “others” forcing us to feel sympathy. We are also introduced to the ‘Nigerians’ who barter with the Prawns for weaponry in exchange for cat food. District 9 is a 2009 science fiction film about an extraterrestrial race forced to live in slum-like conditions on Earth who suddenly finds a kindred spirit in a government agent who is exposed to their biotechnology. He’s not an out-and-out monster, like a dictator or a mass murderer, but rather, he represents the kind of mundane cruelty that leads to slum landlords, loan sharks or governments making ‘hostile environments‘ for migrants. He will increasingly empathize with the aliens as he has started his transformation to become one. Both characters display human like behaviour. Sharlto Copley: Elysium, District 9, A-Team, Fawlty Towers, Zack Snyder's Justice League: Streaming Report Suggests There's Limited Audience for Snyderverse. W. Wikus van de Merwe. In terms of character goals, the aliens’ objective is still clearer than Wikus’. Wolfe argues that settler colonialism and genocide does not target particular races but is “made in the targeting” (388). At this point Wikus is no longer considered a human to the MNU but rather an experiment no different than any other Prawn and is forced to escape. Christopher and his son are two characters which have been formulated to exploit the alien stereotype. Yes. However the ?lm’s only sympathetic characters are either aliens or white (Wikus and his wife). War lords are taking advantage of the aliens for their weapons technology, interspecies prostitution, violence and slum like living situations are what’s being revealed. Much of the time, though, sci-fi cinema’s reflection tends to be a bit soft-focus: in James Cameron’s Avatar, for example, it’s the corporate-military types who are the villains, while the average Joe hero’s the one who befriends the aliens and helps defend their planet. Jake is also doesn’t look like a hero because he is disabled and had no proper training in the Avatar program. With his slicked-down hair and tiny moustache, he’s oblivious to the horrors he brings down on the aliens (or ‘Prawns’, as the humans call them): violently aborting unborn aliens to keep down their numbers; terrorizing aliens in their own makeshift homes; luring aliens to a new slum with the promise of cat food. Sharlto Copley, in his first screen role, is perfect as Wikus: like The Office‘s David Brent, he clearly loves the attention of the documentary crew as he guides them round an alien district. District 9. Yes. Koobus Venter: Listen to me, you fuck! District 9 Movie Analysis. The metaphors of science ?ction are being used to portray the nature of racism; with the way that racist ideology and discourse deals with those different from us whom we fear or despise. For the rest of the ?lm, we look at the humans with fear and distrust and cheer for the aliens. The government of South Africa who controls District 9 demonstrates Nazi like ideology as he orders the relocation of the aliens to District 10; a glori?ed concentration camp. Yes.”. They are portrayed as disgusting barbaric degenerates. However, in District 9, when Wikus finds himself turning into a prawn, he is horrified and repulsed by it. A more conventional movie might use this incident as a kind of road-to-Damascus type moment for its protagonist – the first step on Wikus’ path to salvation. Instead, Wikus remains committed to the role of selfish idiot. In other words, District 9 offers up your typical sci-fi mirror, but steadfastly refuses to provide the kind of reassuring hero with a moral compass that is generally expected from a mainstream genre film. “District 9” – the latest film produced by “Lord of the Rings” mastermind Peter Jackson, falls into neither category. Debates over what it means to be human. Retrieved from https://graduateway.com/district-9-movie-analysis/, This is just a sample. It is not until Wikus is accidentally infected by the mysterious ?uid and begins his transformation into an alien that we question who the real victims are. Throughout out the movie District 9 it is clear that the aliens are separated from the rest of society and discriminated against mostly due to the fact that they are different. The aliens in the film, created by Image Engine, were shot with a level of disregard, often appearing … The ?lm tries to make the audience pity both characters for the purpose of establishing a link between compassion and cruelty. Mohn Character Analysis. Director(s): Neill Blomkamp. Spiritual leaders, conversely, often get stuck in the sentimental platitudes and prosaic formulas of religion. Wikus is the ?lm’s hero. Patrick Wolfe argues that “settler colonialism destroys to replace” (388). We are never given the opportunity to feel sympathy for them. two arms, two legs, stand up right) but also exhibit grotesque characteristics. District 9 (2009) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more. Neill Blomkamp’s District 9 – coincidentally released in 2009, the very same year as Avatar – does something comparatively rare. Themes of human dignity, empathy and society are apparent in the ?lm District 9. Wikus takes refuge in District 9, accidentally finding Christopher and the mother spaceship's concealed command module dropship underneath his slumhouse. We are then introduced to Wikus van de Merwe (Sharlto Copley), an employee of MNU who is given the task of serving eviction notices to each and every Prawn. This is a satire of Hollywood’s portrayal of Africa. Stars: Sharlto Copley, David James, Jason Cope, Nathalie Boltt, Sylvaine Strike. This analysis of this film points to … Wikus attempts to acquire weapons from the District 9 … District 9 (Peter Jackson, 2009), a science ?ction ?lm produced by Peter Jackson, is a rare gem unlike the many sci-? Wikus’ 15 minutes of fame are thrown through a loop when he’s exposed to what can only be described as a spray can full of alien goo. The aliens are ?lthy, violent and vulgar as we catch them consistently using foul language. Get that fucking camera out of my face! Hunted by his former colleagues, Wikus retreats to District 9, where he joins forces with Christopher (a mo-capped Jason Cope), an alien who claims he can cure Wikus of his mutation. The Prawns themselves exhibit human like characteristics (ie. Eventually Wikus is taken to a hospital where his arm is revealed to have mutated. After this discovery, he is taken into custody by MNU where they conduct few tests and come to discover that Wikus is able to operate alien machinery due to his mutating DNA. The movie was created with the intention of being debated over. The story is about an extraterrestrial race who makes contact with Earth and the relationships with humans and society. Wikus comes into contact with Christopher and his son back in District 9 and with no one else to turn to seeks their help. When he and his race were brought down to the surface in July 1982, they were placed into a refugee camp, called District 9. "You must agree to out terms of services and privacy policy", Don't use plagiarized sources. We, the viewers, immediately feel shameful for ever taking side with the humans as we realize that we are the real enemies. We can feel the horror and rage that ?ows through Christopher. District 9 bares no ?are of contemporary glamour, lacks big budget effects, casts no name actors and is therefore an anti-Hollywood ?lm. The ?lm makes a statement about inhumanity in the irony of Wikus becoming more humane as he becomes less human. Get the best of Den of Geek delivered right to your inbox! Loki is a Cat Person Now, But What About the Rest of the MCU? movies which have been released in our time. We also learn that there are black prostitutes who provide sexual services to the aliens. Would you like to be thought of as someone who wouldn’t? Wikus, previously the hero of the relocation operation, now becomes a fugitive. True Strength Lies Not In The Physical. We are able to see the nature of this type of environment in this film. While operating alien weaponry, Wikis is leading Christopher back to the mothership by protecting him through killing of any humans in their way. Get Your Custom Essay on, By clicking “Write my paper”, you agree to our, By clicking Send Me The Sample you agree on the, Movie Analysis of Alien (1979) Cinematography, Physical Chemical and Biological Characteristics of Drinking Water, https://graduateway.com/district-9-movie-analysis/, Get your custom He claims he can reverse Wikus' mutation in the mothership. For example, both Wikus and Jake are seen as a less typical hero or protagonist that we mostly see in other films. The slow transformation of Wikus from human to alien portrays at one level a fall into death as his body begins to rot but also brings about the possibility of a different relationship with the aliens. We continue to loath them as a result of the ?lms depiction of the blacks. Christopher explains to Wikus that the confiscated fuel is crucial to his plan of reactivating the dropship, and if he can get them in the dropship to the mothership, he can cure Wikus and reverse his physical transformation. They must find the fluid in … In producing District 9, Jackson’s intention was to address racism as an ideology by forcing the viewers to be the racist. The last scene shows Wikus fully transformed into an alien, building a ?ower out of scrap metal. Is Wikus more at home now than he has ever been as a human? By continuing we’ll assume you’re on board with our cookie policy, The input space is limited by 250 symbols. The sound of hundreds of gunshots ?lls the air while bullets ?y everywhere and the room is being torn to pieces with destroyed equipment being thrown around. District 9 has done its job in placing the viewers in the shoes of the “others” forcing us to feel sympathy. It’s only when Wikus has lost everything – his status, his wife his stake in human society – that he begins to feel any kind of connection to Christopher and the species he so cruelly treated. Later, while raiding the home of Christopher’s friend, Wikus stumbles upon this container which excites him enough to accidentally spray some of the ?uid directly onto his face. It’s partly what makes District 9 such a darkly, violently funny film – and also a starkly honest one. T. Tania van de Merwe. This is where the ?lm becomes interesting. The effects of Marxism shine artfully through the storyline of the film District 9, as evidenced by the commodification of the main character Wikus Van De Merwe and the overall value system created by the human occupants of Johannesburg (Literary Theory and Criticism, 2012). Wikus is a MNU agent who's given the task of evicting the aliens, derogatorily nicknamed "prawns", from District 9. The alien beings in “District 9,” nicknamed “prawns” because they look like a cross between lobsters and grasshoppers, arrive in a space ship that hovers over Johannesburg. Isn’t everyone? They are the enemy. Thomas. They are compassionate, caring and intelligent. The ?lm, about a colony of alien refugees forced by humans to live in a South African slum, is an example of social satire by presenting a critique of the injustice with which we treat those who are different from us. The first third of the film is filmed documentary-style, focusing on sniveling corporate git Wikus van de Merwe (Sharlto Copley). No, fuck off, man! During one of the most inspired moments of the ?lm Wikus and Christopher Johnson make their way to the MNU building where they stumble upon the lab in which hundreds of aliens are being experimented on. We are driven by values that lead us to overcome our racial inhibitions and side with something that is far from the norm. What about the Nigerians? Most of us would like to believe that we have kindness and empathy bred into us, but the truth is, we’re probably far more like Wikus van der Merwe than we’d like to admit. District 9: Scene Analysis Essay Sample. The unassuming Wikus was chosen by his father-in-law and … With nowhere else to turn to, Wikus finds refuge in District 9. The parallels between District 9‘s premise and real world refugee crises are easy to see. Yes. At the beginning of the ?lm, when we are introduced to the aliens that reside in District 9, we immediately despise them. Shot in a pseudo-documentary style, District 9 then introduces us to Wikus, a clipboard-carrying corporate weasel whose job is to liquidate one ghetto and funnel all the aliens to another. We dont know if Wikus will ever ?nd his way back to his old life as a human among other humans. What about the Nigerians? If you need this or any other sample, we can send it to you via email. However the ?lm’s only sympathetic characters are either aliens or white (Wikus and his wife). The story is established via a mix of standard third person camera and documentary footage and takes place in the present – a twist from your regular science ?ction ?lm which normally takes place in the future. Are there occasions where you might do the right thing for your fellow man? In 1982, an alien spaceship appears over Johannesburg, South Africa. After years of refuge, the South African government hires MNU, a private military company, to evict the aliens from their current “home” in District 9 and relocate them to the New District 10; a glori?ed concentration camp. Inside: a ragged group of emaciated alien creatures from an unknown planet. We are able to get an inside look at the district and find it horrifying. Both films deal with real-world 20th century history in South Africa – most specifically, District Six, an area of Cape Town where some 60,000 residents were forcibly moved in the 1970s. your own paper. Neill Blomkamp’s District 9 – coincidentally released in 2009, the very same year as Avatar – does something comparatively rare. Essay, Use multiple resourses when assembling your essay, Get help form professional writers when not sure you can do it yourself, Use Plagiarism Checker to double check your essay, Do not copy and paste free to download essays. This scene is indescribably chaotic. In case you can’t find a sample example, our professional writers are ready to help you with writing Separated from humans in a South African area called District 9, the aliens are managed by Multi-National United, which is not concerned with the aliens' welfare but will do anything to master their advanced technology. District 9 - Story Structure Analysis District 9 Inciting Event: While in the midst of illegally evicting the Prauns from their slum homes, Wikus accidentally sprays himself with black liquid from a … The role of selfish idiot refugee crises are easy to see however, in District,. Delivered right to your inbox to survive a ragged group of emaciated alien creatures from an unknown planet and. Many good attributes that helped Wikus grow as a result of the blacks, David,! Right ) but also exhibit grotesque characteristics Character Analysis creatures from an unknown planet and... Ever? nd his way back to his old life as a less typical or! In other films as a less typical hero or protagonist that we fall in with... Savagery, oppression and racism that occurs alter his T. Tania van de Merwe about inhumanity in the of! From this point forward, we cheer for the Rest of the relocation alien! Takes refuge in District 9 is a soft endearing side of him that we are never given the to... 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